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How do you feel?
Author Biography

Lizzy Rockwell was inspired to create a picture book about emotional health through her visits to the Adam J. Lewis Preschool.

She has been Grand Rounds Lecturer at Yale Child Study Center (2016 and 2017), was keynote speaker at the University of Findlay Mazza Museum (2016), has delivered staff development workshops at Action for Bridgeport Community Development, the Early Childhood Resource Center at the New Haven Children's Museum (2017 and 2019), and Cooperative Educational Services, Trumbull, CT (2015), and has addressed the distinguished educators of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society (2018).

The daughter of highly acclaimed children's book author and illustrator Anne Rockwell and art director and illustrator Harlow Rockwell, Lizzy has illustrated more than thirty children's books, some of which she also wrote.

"Knowing how important self-awareness and empathy are to success in all areas of life, I wanted to do a book that would be a helpful tool to parents, teachers, and most especially children.

"Most of our emotional life is affected by non-verbal communication. By limiting the language of the text, I was able to highlight that non-verbal communication. I was able to show narrative scenes that children would interpret on their own so they could make their own predictions and relate to each scene from their own point of view.

"When these events are happening in real time, it is so hard to stop and analyze what is happening. But the beauty of a picture book is, we can stop time and step back and gain understanding." - (Random House, Inc.)

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